This is why we don't have numbers for the weekly updates anymore... I'm too lazy to find out what the last one was if it's been a long time. Anyways, onto the actual update(keep in mind, there will be a gap with this one as well, I'll be on vacation).
General updates: A while ago, in the monthely meetings, it was decided that we would do Advertising RPs. That didn't work... At all. But, if you have any idea where we could post one of these advertising RPs and try again, that owuld be helpful.
Game: The game section has been renamed to the RPG section. So, any RP with stats or something like that, would go there as an RPG.
Poll: The new winner of the poll from... a while ago, is "The yogscast! :D".
Mega-RPs: There will be a new Mega-RP soon, just a warning.
Contest: So far, there has been no contest for June, if anyone would liek the spot
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