Hello, once again I shal intrude on this wonderful home page to give you news about the site! Yay!
General Updates: Well, first off, still nothing much getting done about advertising RPs, the reason why? We've got nowehere to advertise. So if you know a site that had expirienced roleplayers that we could post an Advertising RP on, then please PM Me or Irulez.
RPs: Well, we've actualy got news for this section for once. First off, there are two new RPs in the Horror section if you feel like wetting yourself. Also, a very old RP in the game-themed section has been revived. Huzzah!
Suggestions: Things to say here too. It would appear as if some of the suggestions I made in the suggestion section are being ignored... So if you want to go over there, then please do.
Mega RPs:Not much here, just saying that soon you may expect a new Mega-RP(And one made fairly recently to be delete
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