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NON-ADMINS: Go to http://roleplayforever.boards.net for the new website! Create an account!
ADMINS:  To log into the RPF account, use the username "admin" and the password that the control panel on this website uses. If you go to the profile of the RPF account, you'll see an email. It DOES exist. You can go to it and log in with the control panel password. It has the contact information (e-mail addresses) for all of us admins for easy contact. Once you create your account, use the RPF account to change yourself to the Lesser Administrator rank, unless you're Demon or Equinox. In that case, change yourself to the Administrator rank. I also have the Administrator rank so that I can modify the site to extents that Lesser Administrators can
Views: 15822 | Added by: Demon | Date: 2012-10-20 | Comments (24)

Since no one else seems to want to write these I will. It's fun!

Polls: I'm not sure if we want to keep the current poll up a bit longer or not. For know it seems that What is your Favorite Movie Genre? 4) Non-Fiction(Documentary, True Story, etc.) is winning 6/14 votes.

Contest: Still no contest for this month... It's not to late to add a contest! Come on get into the Halloween Sprit.

New People: MattiasRyder joined on 10/11, only has one post. Not sure if they're busy or just don't really know where to start.

New Role-plays: Looks like Jigajig started one, with little luck. If I missed anyone else's, sorry.

Broken Promises: No one made a review for The Silver Eye or Deaths Academy. >.>

... Read more »
Views: 2261 | Added by: Kenzieroo | Date: 2012-10-15 | Comments (21)

If possible, I would like to get another one of these started again. How about October 21st at these times:
Eastern- 2:00 pm
Central- 1:00 pm
Pacific- 12:00 noon
If you live anywhere else just tell me and I'll try to figure out your time (:
Views: 1033 | Added by: Demon | Date: 2012-10-14 | Comments (9)

We've missed four or five weekly update, but considering not much has been going on it makes sense.

RP reviews: No new one since Maze Runner by Evie. I suggest there be one out for The Silver Eye, it's really good. Created by RedToms one of are newer but active members.
Also JigaJig's RP Deaths Academy

Polls: I don't know if the current poll is going to change anytime soon. It's been the same thing for a few weeks. I'm sure everyone that can vote has, so I'm going to say for, Would you Prefer more RPs, or Better RPs? 1) An Equal Amount Won, 8 out of 16.

Contests: There was no September contest, only the idea from last ye ... Read more »
Views: 764 | Added by: Kenzieroo | Date: 2012-10-02 | Comments (17)

Hello, welcome back to the weekly update.... Yeah...
RP Reviews: There is a new RP review of "Maze Runner".
Polls: The winner of last weeks poll "How do you like your Penguin Cooked?" was "Penguinsicle". As Equinox said, nothing tastier than irony.
Contests: Just a reminder, if no one enters the contests soon there will be a winner by defualt... Which would not be a good way to start this year of contests... Yeah...
Okay, so this was BARELY a weekly update, that wasn't even on time. Hopefully more next week.
Views: 734 | Added by: Zyphon | Date: 2012-08-27 | Comments (0)

"I'm back bitches."

Or if you want to go my style, as Flair, that pesky little dragon I'm sure most of you know, "My absence was all but an Illusion" Well, to put a long story short, yes I am back. Back as if I had come flying in on the Ironwings of a Dragon from a Nation on Fire. (Not really.)

A lot has happened while I was gone though: for one, I've improved quite a bite in roleplaying and writing in general, so that's some good stuff. Though, lately I have kept thinking back to this site, and that got me feeling a bit... Down. But not to worry, I have planned my return, for I do have what you might call an Undying Love for roleplay, (AKA, no life whatsoever.) and as such, will always remain Adamant to it. Besides, I have several Friends to Last on here. Oh, did I mention that I was planning my Return? Yes, that is true. How so? I h ... Read more »
Views: 946 | Added by: Mew | Date: 2012-08-20 | Comments (13)

Hello, and welcome to the weekly update McDoobler thingy!
RP Reviews: There is now a new RP Review of "*Hybrid Analyze Inc*" by Supernerd.
Polls: Last weeks poll decided that we should keep the featured page and like system. This weeks poll is "How do you like your Penguin Cooked?"
Contests: The August contest is here now, this year, it's Fan-fiction.
As you can tell, I was very lazy this week, bye.
Views: 888 | Added by: Zyphon | Date: 2012-08-18 | Comments (5)

The Contests have been updated, now the contests under the contests page are located under subpages, with the current being on the main page. Also, it is now required to put "2012-2013 Contest" as your thread description when you post the actual contest, and everyone else must put "2012-2013 Contest Entry" as the thread description for their contest entries.
Also, at the moment no one is in charge of the 2011-2012 August Contest, so if you want to do that, then just say in the comments.
Views: 765 | Added by: Zyphon | Date: 2012-08-13 | Comments (3)

Hello, there isfinally some stuff to report about now. :D So, here it is.
[Edit]General Updates: A lot of old RPs have been sent to the graveyard, as they are supposed to be. So, if you still have old dead RPs, then please send them to the graveyard, or if you can't, ask a mod or admin to do it for you if you want. There's also been a fiarly large update regarding the arts section. New Forums have been added: The books forum, Movies/shows forum, and the games forum. Please PM if you think any other's should be added.
[Edit]Suggestions: There's a new suggestion on how to change the contests slighty, just go over there and say yay or nay basically.
RP Reviews: There are two new RP reviews this week! One of "Dragon Riders", by Striker, the other of "Anarchyia", by Zombo104, I suggest you look at both those RPs, as they are both very good.
... Read more »
Views: 707 | Added by: Zyphon | Date: 2012-08-11 | Comments (2)

Okay no one said anything about the meeting, although not much happened.
We talked of nothing important
I had a suggestion that we need to put more old RPs into the graveyard. I remember Demon agreeing with me but I want to know if this will happen or not.

That's all that really happened, as far as I remember.
Views: 778 | Added by: Kenzieroo | Date: 2012-08-01 | Comments (6)

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